5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Many people are unaware of the significance of metabolism and how it can affect the health as well. Basically, Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions that are involved in maintaining the living state of the organism and the cells. There are two forms of metabolism that include Anabolism and Catabolism.
The Catabolism is the synthesis of the entire compounds that are essential for the cells. The Anabolism is the breakdown of the molecules for the production of energy in the body. Both are associated with nutrition and therefore, constitute the basis for the proper functioning of the body.
Factors affecting Metabolism and how to boost it
Water is the basis for all the chemical reactions in the body. If an individual is dehydrated, he might be burning off only two percent of calories respectively. Likewise, if a person drinks an ounce of water daily for every pound they weigh, he will have a higher metabolic rates as compared to those who only drink four glasses regularly.
Protein-Rich Foods
Iron is the main component that is essential for carrying oxygen to the muscles that need to burn fat as well. Unless the iron gets restocked in the body, the person will be at a greater risk of having low energy levels that will hinder the metabolism respectively.
Foods like beans, spinach, lean meats, shellfish, and fortified cereals are the best sources of Iron and should constitute your diet on the daily basis. But too much of iron is not good for the health as you will run the risk of the heart disease as well. In fact, the natural iron can be derived by eating the real foods more often and keeping a balance between different types of foods.
Vitamin D
The Vitamin D is quite imperative for the preservation of the metabolism rate and the proper form of the muscle tissue as well. But surprisingly, experts have seen that only twenty percent of the natives of USA consume Vitamin D through their diet.
It is suggested that ninety percent of Vitamin D should be taken through a 3.5 ounce serving of the Salmon respectively. The other valuable sources of Vitamin D include eggs, tuna, cereals and the fortified milk.
Studies have shown that calcium deficiency results in a slow metabolism. So, consumption of calcium through dairy foods is necessary and in this regard low-fat yogurt, and fat-free milk should be avoided as they tend to decrease the fat absorption from other various foods.
The watermelon is a rich source of amino acid arginine that may also help in weight loss. If you begin adding amino acid arginine to your diet, you will enhance the oxidation of glucose and fat as well as increase the lean muscle in the body. Moreover, if nuts, seeds, and seafood are consumed reasonably, they will make the metabolism better as well.
Apart from the above five factors, you need to pay attention to your muscle mass, diet and the physical activity. The muscle mass can be maintained in the right manner through exercise and lifting of weights. The diet has to be kept in balance at all times. Lastly, daily exercise will help you to increase the muscle mass so that the body will burn the calories efficiently.