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4 Yoga Poses for a Flat Stomach


If you have any experience with yoga, you probably know that yoga requires a LOT of core strength.

So “What are the BEST yoga poses for flat abs?”

It can help you get great abs whether you’re in it just for the ab workout or whether your end goal is to be able to learn some of the more advanced poses.

If you hate doing crunches to hit those abs, this is a great alternative.

Sounds pretty good, right?

It’s also great because it can be done anytime, anywhere.

All you need is your body, a comfortable surface, and perhaps a yoga mat.

I’m sure you’ve come across some or all of these poses before if you’ve ever done a yoga workout.

I recommend to do these exercises on their own or also just hold them for an extra 30-60 seconds before moving on to the next pose.

1. Plank

Your arms should be shoulder-width apart and directly below your shoulders.

Focus on tightening the core muscles while you’re in this position, and make sure your butt stays in line with the body and doesn’t drop down or raise up below your body line.

Hold for 30 seconds. Work towards holding this position for up to 2 minutes.

2. Boat Pose

The is one of the key yoga poses for flat abs, so pleas take notice…

Begin by sitting firmly on the mat with your legs out in front of you and your hands just slightly behind your hips. Slowly raise your legs up to a 45-degree angle using your arms to help you balance.

Once you feel balanced and steady enough, slowly raise your arms to the outside of the knees.  Bend your knees slightly if you are not yet flexible enough to fully straighten them.

Hold for 30 seconds. Work towards holding this position for a full minute.

3. Warrior III

Begin with your feet placed firmly on the yoga mat and your arms reaching towards the sky. Slowly lean forward, keeping your arms raised and raising one leg at the same time.

This pose requires a high amount of concentration, strength, and balance.

Rather than focusing on trying to keep your leg balanced and steady, focus more on your core and using the core to keep your body align and balanced. Draw strength from the core, not the legs.

4. Superman Pose

Lie face down on the mat with your arms out in front of you. Slowly lift your arms and legs up at the time, as high as you can comfortably reach and hold the position as long as possible.

Focus on using your core to hold the position rather than your arms and legs.


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