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Banana Drink That Will Burn Stomach Fat Immediately

Luckily, bananas are a type of fruit that is allowed to be consumed while on a diet because this super-fruit contains a high level of potassium that helps to eliminate toxins from one’s body.
Besides this, when bananas are combined with flax and spinach, they boost the work of the metabolism and thus help the process of weight loss.
In order to finally get rid of your stomach fat, we advise you to try this drink that is very easy to make and quite cheap. You’ll notice the difference just after a few days – your waist will be visibly slimmer.

Ingredients needed:
1 banana
1 orange
½ glass low-fat or fat-free yoghurt
tablespoon coconut oil
¼ tablespoon ginger powder
1/2 cup baby spinach  
2 tablespoons flax seeds
2 tablespoons whey powder
Mix all the ingredients in a blender. They should be mixed well so that you obtain a drink with a thinner texture.
This drink can replace a whole meal (e.g. your breakfast) due to its nutritious content. It should be consumed in the morning as a healthy choice for breakfast and after doing some physical activities such as walking, running, cycling, or after a workout.

One last thing… you should try this 10-second “morning trigger” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 10-second morning trigger?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.

She said, “It’s not so much about the morning trigger, but more about how they help raise your body’s low core temperature to dramatically increase your fat burning metabolism and improve your health and appearance.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right — it actually took me 19 days to lose 24 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently

Imagine waking up every morning full of energy and loving what you see in the mirror…

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

Click here to see the 10-second “morning trigger” that helped me melt away 24 pounds in just 19 days







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