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7 Day Lean Out Challenge

The best results you get are at the beginning…….  When you first start something different.

It’s like a SHOCK to the body so it responds very well.

So you want to take advantage of this and go ALL IN when you start something new.
I want to ask you to go ALL-IN on this 7 Day LEAN OUT Challenge.

Don’t do some of it!

Go at it 100%.


Here is what I promise you, if you do.

  • You will DE-BLOAT (your belly will feel flatter).
  • You will lose 1-5 lbs.
  • You will have more energy.
  • You won’t feel fatigued.
  • You won’t feel hungry.
  • You will be in a better mood.
  • You will be able to concentrate and focus more.
  • You will be more productive.


I know you can do this.

No matter how busy you say you are, if you really want to feel all the effects of what I just mentions, you can do this.


I have had people who work 14 hours a day be able to do this, so I know you can.
Plus, you will feel so good after.

And you will prove to YOURSELF that you can totally do this.

It will feel so darn good ?

Here is the first thing you have to do.


You have to say to yourself…..

  • I’m going to do this for 7 days straight no matter what.
  • No matter if there is a birthday party.
  • No matter if I get home late from work.
  • No matter if my kids get sick.
  • No matter if I’m stressed.
  • No matter if I don’t feel good.
  • No matter if something comes up.
  • No matter if your hubby is out of town.
  • No matter if there is an event at school or a meeting at work.
  • No matter if your kids have a tournament or a million after school activities.


There is always going to be a reason to not do it.

There will never be a time when nothing comes up.


I’m about to give you your 7-Day Challenge, but first, if you think some EASY, HEALTHY & DELICIOUS RECIPES will help you this week,

This way you can have 30 days of healthy snacks, breakfast options, lunches and dinners and you can use them without having to think much or plan.

I did all the work for you.

If you think this will help you stick to it this week because you work a lot or the kids keep you super busy and its hard to MEAL PLAN and try to figure out what is good, this will definitely help you.
It’s only 7 days, you can do this.
It will be totally worth it.

No soda: This one is easy.  Not even diet.

Drink 10 glasses of water a day: Make sure to keep a bottle with you at all times and set little goals throughout the day.  For example:  2 glasses b 10am, 2 glasses by noon, 2 glasses by 3pm, etc.

No artificial sweeteners:  no equal, no sweet and low, no splenda and nothing that says SUGAR FREE as all of those have artificial sweeteners.

No Diet anything:  don’t eat anything that says “diet” on it.  Stick to natural foods.

No wheat or gluten:  no breads, pastas, crackers, cookies, etc. Unless they are made of brown rice or quinoa.

No sugar: no sweets unless its one of my recipes and its sweetened with one my healthy sweetener choices.

No alcohol:  ZIP, NADA, NOTHING!

No dairy:  no yogurt, milk, cheese, etc. You can still do eggs.

No pre-packaged foods:  you know this.

No eating out:  Take these 7 days to cook. Make extras of all your meals so you have tons of leftovers and not having to cook for every meal. (Calendarwill help with this).

No red meat:  just for this week.

Eat greens daily:  any green veggies with your meal or in a smoothie. You can also do powdered greens.

Eat Protein in every meal:  here is a list of all the proteins.

3 workouts in 7 days:  shoot for 3 – 30 minute or more workouts in 7 days.  Here are some to try.

Here are 3 workouts you can do:

Day 1:  Arms Workout

Day 2:  Butt Workout

Day 3:  ABS & Core Workout


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