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1,000 Calories Burning Plan

17 Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning

The 3-Week Plan

The 3-Week Plan | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Who needs a personal trainer when you can do exercise at home? This easy 3-week plan will bring a big surprise in toning your muscles.

2. 30-Day Summer Abs Challenge

30-Day Summer Abs Challenge | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Determined to get those abs but don’t have time to hit the gym? Don’t worry, this abs challenge got you covered. All it takes are crunches, leg raises and planks to keep you moving with this challenge.

3. Walker to Runner

Walker to Runner | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Who says walking and running doesn’t help you get fit? According to fitness gurus, running is in fact, one of the top forms of exercises to be the most effective of all time.

4. 5-Minute “Almost No Work” Plank Workout

5-Minute "Almost No Work" Plank Workout | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

This five-minute exercise will make the workout a piece of cake and makes you feel like you haven’t exercised at all. Make sure to try this out and see how your body gets fitter.

5. 6-Week, 4 Minutes/Day Workout

6-Week, 4 Minutes/Day Workout | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Exercises don’t have to be extra especially when you only have a couple of minutes to spare every day. Try this 4-minute for six days workout routine and see the results for yourself in just six weeks.

6. At-Home Bubble Butt Workout

At-Home Bubble Butt Workout | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Achieving that beach body has never been easy with these at-home bubble butt workout. This exercise does not only improve your lower body but also makes your tummy flatter so those abs will finally show!

7. How to Achieve Lean Thighs

How to Achieve Lean Thighs | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

When it comes to achieving leaner thighs, there is no exercise better than leg lifts. Do these five basic exercises to help you sculpt those thighs!

8. 30-Minute Boot Camp Workout

30-Minute Boot Camp Workout | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

This workout may seem a little intense but thirty minutes a day is all you need to keep your body fit and healthy. With just one minute per exercise, you’ll definitely won’t notice how fast this workout routine goes.

9. Flat Tummy Workout

Flat Tummy Workout | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Do you love yoga balls for your exercise routines? If yes, then this might be perfect for you! Grab your yoga ball and start this 5-easy workout routine to help you with those belly fats you’ve been wanting to get rid!

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10. Killer Kardio Exercise

Killer Kardio Exercise | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Wanting to do some extreme workout but don’t know where to start? Try this killer cardio exercise, you can complete this set of exercises for as fast as 35 minutes!

11. Short Everyday Workout Plan

Short Everyday Workout Plan | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

If you don’t have a lot of time to spare and looking for short-time exercises, then this workout plan may be just what you need. With just 15 minutes to spare every day, you’ll have that healthier and fitter body!

12. Standing Workout for Flat Abs

Standing Workout for Flat Abs | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Pick up those dumbbells and challenge yourself with these easy standing workout. This 4-step workout program helps you easily gain flatter abs.

13. The One Song Workout

 The One Song Workout | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Burning those calories you ate over the weekend can be easy. You can even achieve weight loss via this one-song workout. Make sure to add this workout plan to your routine and get ready to see a fitter you.

14. The 20-Minute No Excuses Workout

The 20-Minute No Excuses Workout | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

If you’re looking for simple workouts, then consider this workout plan! You don’t have to be extra in doing daily exercises and this plan you can do in your living room!

15. 21-Day Learn to Run Challenge

21-Day Learn to Run Challenge | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Running is fun and while most people find it hard, there is actually a secret to it. Try out this 21-day running challenge to improve your breathing and running techniques!

16. 7-Day Morning Workout Challenge

7-Day Morning Workout Challenge | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Waking up early to work out is hard. But, do you know that morning workout is more effective than exercise done during other times of the day?

17. 7-Minute Belly Sculpting Challenge

7-Minute Belly Sculpting Challenge | Best Fitness Workouts for Head to Toe Toning | Makeup Tutorials

Getting rid of those belly fats is the hardest of all. This 7-minute belly sculpting challenge will make it easier. It suits skills of all levels — beginner, intermediate, or advanced.


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