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5 Yoga Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat !

1. Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend) Yoga Asana to Reduce Belly Fat

In this pose, there is a complete compression of your abdomen and this leads to slow but the deep rooted burning of fat in your belly area.

Padahastasana yoga asana

Procedure for Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend) –

  • Stand with your hands at the side, your heels joint and your spine erect.
  • Breathe in expanding your chest and bow down to touch the palms of your hands to the floor.
  • While you do this exhale and keep your core as tight as possible.
  • Hold this pose for 60-90 Seconds as comfortable for your body.
  • Slowly return back to the standing position and relax.

This asana will help you in toning up your abdominal muscles, and help you in getting your belly back in shape, thereby it is the ultimate yoga asana to reduce belly fat.

2. Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Bend) to Reduce Belly Fat

Getting your body in this pose will give you the feel of crunching your abs into a stressed position. It is one of those yoga moves that blast belly fat faster than any other asana.

Paschimottasana yoga asana

How to Do Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Bend) Yoga Asana?

  • Sit on the floor, straight, keeping your spine erect and legs stretched out. Point your toes skywards.
  • Ensure you sit on a yoga mat.
  • Now inhale as deeply as you can and lean forward to hold the soles of your feet with the help of your hands.
  • As you do this you will feel the stretch behind your thigh that extends down fight from the back of your knee to the calf below.
  • Try and make an effort to hold your toes. Beginners can start by just reaching for your ankles or thighs. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings.
  • Breath in and hold the asana for 60-90 seconds. Stretch your spine to the maximum. With consistent practice, you will be able to touch your head to your knees.
  • Relieve your toes from your fingers and in a very slow pace return back to Sukhasana.

This yoga asana to reduce belly fat helps you achieve your desired waistline and also relieves you of mental and physical exhaustion.

3. Naukasana (Boat Pose) Yoga Asana to Reduce Belly Fat Fast

Doing yoga asanas to lose weight targeting the belly fat is a task that every person finds difficulty in doing. This asana is highly effective if you are looking to use yoga asanas to reduce belly fat fast. It is concentrated on burning the fat accumulated in the core abs region.

Naukasana yoga asana

Procedure to Do Naukasana (Boat Pose)

  • Lie down straight on a yoga mat and point your toes upwards.
  • Keep your hands at the side of your body, with the palms resting facing the floor?
  • Very gently pull your upper body i.e the head, chest and back upwards and lift up both your legs firmly to a 45* degrees angle.
  • As you retain the posture of your body in those positions you will feel the heat in your core area and feel the fat literally burning.
  • Stretch out your arms so that they are in line and parallel to your body.
  • Breath normally and hold the position for a good 30-50 seconds.
  • Slowly release your body out of the position and return to lie back on the floor.
  • Repeat this asana 4-5 times at an interval of 2 minutes in the beginning. Relax in between intervals.

This asana directly impacts and works for better functioning of the digestive organs and simultaneously work as an exercise to help burn stomach fat.

4. Dhanurasana(Bow Pose) Yoga Asana to Reduce Belly Fat

Dhanurasana yoga asana

This is one exercise that offers you the best chance to burn your tummy fat as well as a gives a good stretch to your spine, back, thighs, chest, hands and legs.

How to Do Dhanurasana(Bow Pose)?

  • Lie down on your stomach, in the prone position and keep your hands at the side of your body with palms facing the ground.
  • Exhale deeply and bend your knees and thighs upwards, along with lifting your head up.
  • Bring your hands backward and make an effort to catch hold of your ankles.
  • Exhale slowly and consistently retain the position of your body to stretch it out well.
  • Hold it for 15-20 seconds or as long as comfortable.
  • Relax and come into Shavasana position (relax).

This asana gives you a chance to stretch your abdominal muscles and the neck and back get relieved of any kind of spasm.

5. Ardha Halasana (Half Plough) – Yoga Asana to Reduce Belly Fat

This asana is one of the best yoga pose for targeting and burning stomach fat. It is one of the optimal ways when it comes to practicing yoga poses for a flat tummy.

Procedure for Ardha Halasana (Half plough) –

  • Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat and relax. Keep your hands on the side with palms facing the ground.
  • Inhale slowly and raise both or if you feel strained pick up one leg.
  • Tighten and bring tension to your core and try to pick up both the legs together up to a 90* angle, exactly perpendicular to the ground.
  • Hold your breath in this position for a few seconds.
  • Exhale and bring your legs back slowly to the ground.
  • Practice this asana in 3-4 repetitions.
  • You can practice with altering your legs, using right leg for one cycle for right leg and a second cycle for left leg.

Consistent practice of yoga asanas to reduce belly fat fast will yield you excellent results and this yoga asana to reduce tummy fat will be highly efficient if practiced diligently.

Sources: 1,2

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